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  • My TEDx Journey Unveils the Power of Balanced Leadership

I've been on a wakening journey this year, one that started with a bold idea—an idea that, at first, seemed too ambitious to share.

When My Vision for TEDx Lit Up

I enrolled in a program with 20 other brilliant women entrepreneurs in February of this year. I was focused on bringing SparkPath Guidance to life in a bigger and brighter way, but I didn't know what that meant when I enrolled.

During a small group exercise in the program, we shared what we were working on and what we needed—ideas, feedback, direction, or reflections. When it was my turn, an idea that had been orbiting me for months lit up. I said I wanted to give a TEDx Talk about raising femininity in corporate America.

Like many professionals, I've felt the tension between achieving success and maintaining well-being. This tension sparked my idea to bring earth-based wisdom into the meeting room—an idea that became the heart of my TEDx journey.

Rebalancing My Own Approach

Through this journey, I discovered how balancing my own feminine and masculine values transformed my approach, bringing a fresh perspective to my work. This balance is something every leader can benefit from.

In building my talk, I discovered that I operated in imbalanced masculine ways, such as overemphasizing my assertiveness and rigidity in finding the correct language. My innate feminine qualities were the perfect antidote - relying on my genuineness and honesty to craft my message.

I had to rebalance my tendencies and values before achieving the traction I had hoped for in creating my talk. After a treacherous journey, my talk was complete, my pitch was molded, and I submitted my first speaker application for a TEDxWomen event. I felt alive and overwhelmed by the potential and possibility!

Here's the abstract of my talk. "Transform workplace burnout to balance by discovering how uniting feminine and masculine values creates a profound shift within ourselves, our leadership, and organizational cultures. This talk challenges the cult of productivity, advocating for balanced leadership that values connection and well-being. Through personal stories and practical strategies, learn how ancient intelligence inspires innovation, improves workplace health, and creates sustainable success in modern business practices."

All In on TEDxBellTownWomen

My coach and I researched TEDxWomen events and identified those where my talk complemented the event theme and was likely to resonate with the audience. I focused on TEDxBellTownWomen in Seattle, Washington.

This event became my beacon, and I went 'all in' by submitting a speaker application only for this one event—despite my coach's sage advice to apply to several.

I practiced holding intention without attachment, saying and writing, "This or something better," to stay open to the universe's creative guidance.

A Setback, Reflection, and Renewed Determination

Last week, I learned that I was on the final shortlist of speakers but did not secure a spot for the TEDxBelltownWomen event I was pursuing. Instead, I was invited to be one of the alternate standby speakers should there be any last-minute changes.

I was (ahem... still am) disappointed by the news. The rejection not only brought on this disappointment but also brought self-criticism. I began to doubt my talk, pitch, message, and, even worse, myself.

However, once I sat with my feelings, I began to see that this was a minor blip—and not the end—of my TEDx journey. Being one of many submissions considered from across Washington state and the West Coast, as well as nationally and internationally, was a humbling experience. The event organizers explained that their decision-making process was incredibly difficult, given the high caliber of ideas presented by applicants.

This process allowed me to see my message in a new light, affirming that it needs to be heard, even if not at that specific event. Making the shortlist of speakers is a strong affirmation that my message is valuable and will find its stage, perhaps at another time and place.

If you're in Seattle on December 7th, I highly recommend you join me at the TEDxBelltownWomen event, UnlimiTED: Reinventing Realities. It's beautifully organized and features influential speakers, brilliant entertainers, and an exhilarating community of partners, sponsors, and volunteers!

Looking Ahead with Grounded Optimism

Here I am, looking for other TEDxWomen events this year and next. I'm in this liminal space—too late to be considered for the remaining events this year and too early for next year's events that have yet to be solidified.

While this in-between place can feel unnerving, I've chosen to root myself in grounded optimism. I'm excited about what the future holds and the TEDx stages that will reveal themselves as opportunities for me to pursue.

Turning My TEDx Vision Into a Workshop for Women Leaders

As I crafted my TEDx talk, I realized these insights were too powerful to keep on stage alone. That's why I've distilled them into a hands-on workshop for women leaders designed to help you navigate the same challenges with actionable strategies.

This experiential workshop for Women's Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), professional women's networks, and women's conferences is designed to be impactful and practical. It's the remedy for high-achieving women to manage the stressors that lead to burnout while balancing well-being and productivity. It offers actionable tools to help women balance their careers and well-being. It's not just about learning—it's about experiencing real change in a supportive environment.

If you're curious about how this workshop could benefit your group, I'd love to chat. Let's find a time that works for you. Schedule a quick call here or message me about your availability.

Reflect on Your Leadership Style

Even if this workshop doesn't fit your world, have you ever wondered if a different leadership style could unlock greater success and satisfaction in your work?

Do you rely more heavily on structure and discipline to stay ahead of your colleagues? Or do you feel there are never enough hours in the day to get things done? These may reflect imbalances in your masculine tendencies.

Or maybe you find yourself continually comparing yourself to other leaders, saying "yes" when you mean no, overdelivering, or silencing yourself to avoid confrontation. These may signal imbalances in your feminine values.

However, suppose you have a knack for collaboration, resourcefulness, or creatively manifesting intangibles with logic. In that case, you might be experiencing and modeling balanced leadership. This balance could be the key to unexpected success in your career.

Take a moment to reflect on these ideas. What new insights arise? How might balancing these values create new possibilities for you and your team?

I'm excited about what the future holds both for my TEDx journey and the opportunities to share these insights with leaders like you. Whether you join me for a workshop or simply reflect on your leadership style, I believe there's a powerful shift waiting to happen.

Captured by Amy Thompson Photography

About Me, the Author

As the founder of SparkPath Consulting and SparkPath Guidance, I lead company's strategic initiatives and guide women business leaders from burnout to balance. In my journey through the high-energy worlds of fintech, decades of soulful self-discovery, and a lifetime of supporting and elevating women - I've mastered the art of balancing strength with grace in leading complex projects and guiding business leaders. And as a word architect at heart, I craft narratives that resonate, stringing the right words together to deliver impactful stories and messages. Join me in transforming the corporate landscape with genuine connection, inclusivity, and creativity.

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